As Seen On:
Are you ready to shift into a prosperous new relationship with money?
Hundreds of Female Entrepreneurs, Heart Centered Coaches, High Level Professional Women and Purpose Driven Business Owners have created Quick Money Shifts.
Is it your turn?
Let me tell you a little secret my dear.
There's a money story living and breathing inside of you right now. It's either blessing or blocking your money flow. Did you know that money responds to your energy, feelings, beliefs, and what you really think about it?
It's either attracted to you and flows to you or not. This is all based on your inner relationship with your current money story.
Did you know? In a split second you can either see opportunity in front of you or pass it by based on your current money story. Money illusions and blind spots can get costly. Here are some things that can slow you down:
The good news? You're not alone & You can get unstck.
There is power within you! You can change, shift, create a whole new attractive relationship with money, dump your old money story, and grow into your new energizing money story that lights you up! From whatever level or starting point you're at. I'd love to help you.
"Quick Money Shifts" happen when you:
You may be wondering what is a quick money shift? I call quick money shifts "mini miracles." Once a money thought and energy within you is shifted or is cleared out you begin to expereince new more positive experiences around money, we call these money miracles. The quick money shift happens before you experience the money miracle.
Are you ready to begin to experience shifts?
It's fascinating to see happy results from clients and students who do the work that I've prepared for them.
It really is amazing how "Money" affects each one of us everyday underneath, hidden in our subsconscious mind. Once these patterns and behaviors are illuminated and you begin to shift them, new positive experiences await you!
For me, I learned how powerful we really are in 1990's
Your money story touches all areas of your life. Not just money. The energy is woven into everything. After elevating my own money story and consciousness, I increased my income and started to prosper in all areas of life and business. Everyone has a different money story and experiences with money so we cannot predict what will happen when you shift it, but I can tell you this: You'll feel it and know as results start to pour in for you.
Over 20 years ago people started asking me for coaching on what they could do to increase their business prosperity, rise up into their new money levels as coaches, clear out money blocks, and I started to coach them. Over the years I've created over 30 plus programs to help women align to money and prosperity. I will say it again everyone will have their own experience in this program. I've written 2 #1 best seller Your Big Money Shift & Defy All Obstacles to Prosperity that have helped readers shift into greater success.
The Quick Money Shift is one of the programs that our students and clients told us was a game changer for them. A true mindset shift, energy shift, a good first step or next step on their journey. It served them as a transformational positive inner and outer experience on how they personally viewed money. (read what they have to say below)
Ready to transform your relationship with Money?
...So you can begin to see virtually the begining of tiny and even big money miracles in your life and business.
Let me be your guide as you move forward and begin to allow money breakthroughs to happen for you!
You’re in the right place.
Keep reading.
You’ll see.
Hi my name is Mimi Quick, known as the Prosperity Muse and Psychic Business Mentor for female entrepreneurs since 2007. I'm a two time #1 Best Selling Author of "Your Big Money Shift" & "Defy All Obstacles to Prosperity". I specialize in empowering women to step into their gifts, clear out money blocks, and create aligned prosperous businesses with spirit. I've coached thousands of people to shift into prosperity. Is it your turn?
I've been coaching, teaching, and mentoring clients and students for over 20 years in group programs, 1-1 private VIP programs as well as over 300 online and hundreds of in person events.
We have over 30 courses in our online school SBI. It houses business, marketing, money, coaching, mindset, and spiritual programs. Whether you desire to step into the next new money levels or clear out stuck energy and money patterns, beliefs, and cycles or create your own coaching business we can help you with it from A-Z.
As a psychic, coach, and mentor with clients from all over the world I'd love the opportunity to work with you and help you shift into your desired prosperity. The Quick Money Shift is a very good first step just see new and established coaches had to say.
Allow me to share....
Created for female entrepreneurs, heart centered coaches, and spirited professional women.
Serving as a good first step for those ready to lovingly look at, go within, and start to heal around money and get to know their relationship with money better.
5 Transformational Modules
The begining!
MODULE 1: Deep Money Dive
Next step..
MODULE 2: Inner Money Evolution
Get ready for shifts..
MODULE 3: Money Fears, Blocks & Stops
Welcome your new money story.
MODULE 4: Create Your New Money Story
You'll have a New Money Story and Money GPS..
Here's what you'll learn:
***SPECIAL PRICING***I want to make this clear. You can join today for only $297. You'll receive enrollent to the self study option of this program online, it is priced at $497 regular pricing *Self Study. BUT today as a special promotional rate just this time you'll be able to register for the Quick Money Shift 5 Week Online SELF STUDY PROGRAM for only $297 that's a savings of $200! (After this promotional rate is over or 55 spots have been filled we'll raise it back to $497.)
The Quick Money Shift Course (self study)
VALUE $497 but you can save $200 today and getTHE QUICK MONEY SHIFT self study for only $297!
TVIPThe Quick Money Shift self study program PLUS *(VIP Option) YEAR LONG GROUP & PRIVATE 1-1
($497 self study)
VALUE $3688 join the VIP Option today for only $1497
The first 55 people will also receive a 15 min "Quick Money Shift" Mini Assessment Call With Mimi Quick (Value $297)
Five minutes with Mimi is enough to completely shift your perspective on everything - your work, your bank account, and your life.
She is a master at helping you to go deep while keeping it light and playful, and you only start to realize how big the shifts are when everything around you starts to change for the better (and you've added 12K to your bank account overnight...)
Thanks Mimi! <3
As a mentor Mimi Quick is fearless..nothing you can flag up, when you're digging deep into your fears and blocks, phases her. She's seen it all before and not in a dismissive way that what you are experiencing is irrelevant, but in a supportive reassuring way. She's been there and her experience is your guide and back up. She's like your money safety net!
The group coaching calls are the cornerstone of making the shifts -by witnessing and celebrating each other's shifts we all came away from each call with exercises and ahas (even if those ahas had not even been our own)
"The Quick Money Shift" is a gamechanger and Mimi is the ringleader and your cheerleader. Thank you Mimi -what you taught me has become my 'financial thermometer'.
Natasha Smith
If I had to sum up The Quick Money Shift Course with Mimi Quick I would say that it was profoundly rewarding. As a creative entrepreneur I felt I had a few blocks with money and wanted to come on the course to identify what they were and to kick them to touch!
What I got was so much more.... I made connections from my past that were just waiting to be discovered. I addressed these, moved forward, secured a different mindset and removed all obstacles. I identified a key challenge in my relationship with my partner and we were able to address this and move forward. Invaluable as if we had not of addressed this the relationship could well have been doomed. I used a variety of techniques to plan for the future. It was so much fun!
If you are wondering how this was achieved I can tell you now it was not through ‘woo woo’ techniques. Mimi is a skilled coach, her materials well planned & organised, her approach logical and her spiritual insight grounded and real.
Mimi has an amazing energy and it was a pleasure to connect with her. I could not recommend her or her course any more highly. It has been an absolute pleasure.
Natasha Louise
When I started this money course, I felt like I was at the end of my rope. I felt hopeless, desperate, and I had $2.61 in my bank account. I had money owed to me, but for some reason, money wasn't coming in, and it hadn't been coming in for over 6 weeks.
After I started the course, I realized a huge issue in my life: money wasn't safe in my life. I was afraid of it, I spent it as soon as I got it, and there was never enough of it.
Mimi helped me go through my story and begin to shift it. Now I focus on my new money story, on prosperity, on gratitude. My invoices are now current, I haven't had any surprise bills, and I feel like my future and its possibilities have really opened up. I can't wait to see what's in store for me!
Kristin Jones
Absolutely love this course and the time I spent working with Mimi Quick!!!! During the process of this program, I have had some major shifts in my life. In the beginning I really was able to identify words that were attached to my money story that came from my family blood line that really shook things up for me during that time the shift began.
I manifested some much needed cash, I then manifested a job, I then was offered 3 additional jobs, during this same time I was able to recognize that some of the old and new were surfacing and my confidence was building. I had car trouble and my car broke and I found out that it was going to be a major expense, however I was given a car to drive by a family member and 2 weeks later I was offered cash, but in the same day I then was offered to just go and pick out me a new car. I was able to purchase the car that I desired with no problems. Also I was successful at changing my money story and it totally aligns with who I am and how I show up in life. I have also learned from this course how to process any questionable feelings around money and move through them with ease!
Elbony Riggins
After modules 2 and 3, I could see the general feeling of disempowerment and resentment in my old money story. I had given my money power to my father and the men in my life. Mimi helped me to see the "goodness” in how my father provided for me growing up, the feeling I was always taken care of, how money was always there. She provided the bridge for me to now connect that feeling, that truth of always being taken care of, to SOURCE. I do feel I’m always provided for and that money always shows up, even amidst the uncertainty of divorce and standing on my own as a single mom. I have immense gratitude to Spirit and can trust I'm always taken care of. And now instead of resentment, I feel peace and deep gratitude to my father as well, for giving me this sense of security and being taken care of from an early age. Lots of tears of gratitude flowing! Thank YOU, Mimi!
Catherine Gregory
You’ll prep for success, gain clarity and create a powerful intention to get you started on the right foot. Start to dive deep into your subconscious mind for clues, any blocks, and start to get real with your current relationship with money. Plus you'll be guided through an inner powerful process designed by me, Mimi Quick.
You'll learn step by step on how to gather your current money story what to look for and what not to leave out. You'll receive help in the modules on how to Let go of your old money story piece by piece and other parts that no longer a fit you with ease. Powerfully align and learn the Money Blessing Technique and more!
There are stops, fears, and blocks that you'll learn to spot. You’ll have a clear outline of specific signs. You'll learn your Red Flags And Fears around money. Then you’ll learn what to do about them plus you’ll learn the STOP PROCESS to help you forever.
This is where you'll learn the steps to create your new money story. You’ll go through a special inner process to help you align to it and you’ll do a quick check in to make sure you’re on the right track. All of this is carefully laid out for you and I will be guiding you every step of the way in the modules so you wont get stuck or lost!
Fun time! Now that you've gone through the journey it's not over yet! In this module, you'll set your money thermometer. Fine tune your money vibes. Load up your Money GPS with coordinates that will help you on your path to money miracles and money flow. Now this is where everything you've done comes into view for you and you have an all new money story and a GPS to help you on your money journey in life and business.
Use the MONEY GPS that you will create to allow you to grow into greater prosperity and money flow.
This is for you if you’re READY to:
If you want the steps that Mimi Quick herself and hundreds of women who have traveled and utilize to shift into a new money story, clearly see where you are in your own personal relationship with money, and are willing and open to change…
Then you are welcome to join.
This is not for you if :
The energy of money lives inside of you and you are the one who has a say in this if you do not want to look at this then I STRONGLY suggest that you do not join because The Quick Money Shift 5 Week Self Study Program is all about Uplifting the way you see and feel into money therefore helping you create quick inner shifts inside of you along the way.
If you are not willing to do the assignments and go through the program then you are resisting. This resistance may be exactly what is holding you back, stopping your money flow, causing challenges, or limiting you around money, but like I said if you are not willing to go through the course now then don’t. This is a personal choice so make the right choice for you!
I already mentioned if you're called to The Quick Money Shift Program you're receiving a $200 savings today. Regular pricing for the self study program is $497. Ready to begin to transform your relationship with money?
Is this The Quick Money Shift program LIVE? No this is a SELF STUDY program it's not live, it is a self study, self paced program. You can go at your own pace.
The VIP Option DOES HAVE live elements and private coaching!
Can I do all of the lessons in one day? I don’t recommend doing all of the lessons in one day. I personally designed this course for you to create multiple shifts along the way I recommend that you do 1 lesson per day. That way you’ll have time to process everything and allow the energy to shift and even track some of your results from each module.
What if I need help during each module? Perfect just post about it in the facebook group- you’ll be invited to it once you have joined the program and I will be in there answering questions and doing facebook lives to help you if you get stuck.
You may prefer to join the VIP option and stay connected for a whole year of prosperity teachings and private 1-1
Is it all videos? The Quick Money Shift 5 Week Study Program is not all videos. In each module there will be several lessons that you will experience a mix of either a video, written copy, audio and each lesson will have a clear assignment to complete. On all of these lessons, you’ll be guided through the program and so much more.
Will this Self Paced Program have Access to Mimi? Not direct access to Mimi, but you will have a facebook group that you can ask questions in and Mimi will be doing facebook lives to help you stay in high vibes.
The VIP option has greater access to Mimi Quick.
What if I want private coaching with Mimi Quick? You can certainly contact us for a quick consultation and application to speak further. However if you do purchase the private option at this time you will receive over a 50% discount during this holiday offer ONLY! Surprise! I love to add goodness to everything we do. Make sure you have all you need to align and succeed. We love to support and reward our students and clients who say yes to themselves and invest in our programs. You'll see more surprises coming your way if you join our VIP option at this holiday price.
Refund Policy:
We do not offer refunds due to the nature of the transformational work and also the ability of the person to actually do the work. We like to keep our place clean and only invite those who resonate and feel aligned with what we offer to sign up and join. We’re not about shoving people into a course. We’re about transformation, creating opportunities for you to experience learning, growing and shifting. If you'd like to speak with us and ask questions we welcome you to email us or call us. We'd love to connect with you. You are not just a number to us. This company is filled with love and integrity as well as honor and we only want to invite you and those who really desire to join us.
In your heart you know whether you are the right fit or you are not. If you're ready and willing to do this self study program or to step up into the VIP option make a decision for yourself. Sharing this keeps the time wasters away and keeps our space and teachings sacred. So if you feel like this self study program or the VIP PROGRAM is for you and you have a few questions, that you’d like us to answer before you say yes, then please contact us here:
We’d love to help you and answer any of your questions.
Our Lawyer makes us write this: This Quick Money Shift Program is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health, financial, business or legal advice. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition. Nothing on our website or in our Services is a guarantee or promise of future earnings.